HomeNatureAdaptationGreen Katowice is fighting climate change

Green Katowice is fighting climate change

Many people are surprised to learn that Katowice is the third greenest city in Poland. Forests, parks and ponds make up almost half the area of the capital of the Silesian Voivodeship. This is one of the most important factors ensuring the high quality of life in the city. This is appreciated both by the inhabitants of Katowice and those who move to the capital of the Silesian Voivodeship.

In recent weeks, many people have caught their breath in the Murckowski Forest. After lifting the restrictions, Katowice residents again visited the Valley of Three Ponds in Katowice, compared by many to Central Park in New York. This is a place where you can go rollerblading or cycling and you will find plenty of areas for walking or running. Environmentalists emphasize that greenery in the city is a very important element in the fight against the effects of climate change. Therefore, Katowice is implementing a number of activities that are designed to limit the effects of a changing climate.

Water accumulated in reservoirs can be used, for example, for watering urban greenery, cleaning sewage systems or cleaning street surfaces, squares and pavements. Water from the 13 reservoirs under construction will facilitate the work of the urban greenery plant.

The use of rainwater for municipal purposes is not the only benefit of the investment. A reservoir stops excess rainwater flowing into the sewage system for some time, protecting areas that are at risk from flooding and floods. As part of the investment worth PLN 64 million, 13 reservoirs are being built, 6 of which have already been completed.

Meadows are also sown with wild flowers and grasses in Katowice. This year they will bloom on 20 thousand square meters of land. And that’s not all. Meadows can also be created by restricting mowing, which is the cheapest way, because it fully relies on the forces of nature.

This is another element in the fight against climate change, as well as a place where small animals and insects can find a shelter. As for the latter, Katowice can boast of its own beehives.

The city has become home to 120,000 bees, whose hives are mounted on the roof of the Polish National Radio Symphony Orchestra, as well as the Brynów Swimming Pool and Burowiec Swimming Pool.

– The climate change that we are witnessing forces us to take prompt and firm action. This year we are struggling with drought all over Poland. While last year in Katowice we recorded one of the largest diurnal rainfall levels in history, which caused local flooding. Experts stress that the following years may be worse in this respect. That is why in Katowice we are carrying out a project worth PLN 64 million, aimed at organizing the rainwater management system and water retention – says Marcin Krupa, Mayor of Katowice.

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